The Cowboy EMail Order Bride Cowboys of Chance Creek Volume 1 Cora Seton 9781927036389 Books

The Cowboy EMail Order Bride Cowboys of Chance Creek Volume 1 Cora Seton 9781927036389 Books
I picked up The Cowboy's E-mail Order Bride as a free read thinking okay it'll be cute, you know, with a name like that it would have to be. But oh my goodness it was so much more than that. Cora Seton has created a world of overcoming hard times, true friendship, growing up, taking control of your own life and true love. What a funny, sweet, sexy, cute, triumphant, hard ride this was. I loved this book and the series so much I actually told a friend to buy it. Each book in the series has been a stand alone read but the characters are so closely knit in their friendship that you get that feeling of continuation that is so popular these days. I wouldn't suggest reading them out of sequence but you can stop at anytime you wish without losing a HEA ending.I'm not one to give 5 stars to any book unless It is out of this world spectacular but Ms. Seton so impressed me with having clear concise voices for each character, smooth detail descriptions that didn't drag on but were just enough to paint a picture for me to fill in the rest, and an interesting, captivating story line, that was not only sweet, loving but a little raw and a whole lot sexy and quite surprising. Strong women, stronger men, cowboys and city slickers, career women and homemakers and everything in between. There are some grammatical errors but honestly I couldn't say they actually bothered me during the reading for fun part and that is saying a lot for me. I usually hone in on editing errors like a beacon. Very nicely edited and written.
If you are looking for a fun, quick read that has depth and clear characters along with a lot of good humor, interesting story lines and fantastic friendships then pick up a copy of The Cowboy's Email Order Bride and start your journey into the Cowboys of Chance Creek series. I bet you can't put it down and you buy book two soon. Blood may be thicker than water but true friendship is stronger than steel.

Tags : The Cowboy's E-Mail Order Bride (Cowboys of Chance Creek) (Volume 1) [Cora Seton] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b>Book 1 in the bestselling Cowboys of Chance Creek</i> Western Romance Series</b> Ethan Cruz should be mending fences on his Montana ranch,Cora Seton,The Cowboy's E-Mail Order Bride (Cowboys of Chance Creek) (Volume 1),One Acre Press,1927036380,Cowboys,Man-woman relationships,Ranch life,Romance fiction,FICTION Romance Western,Fiction - Romance,Romance,Romance - Western
The Cowboy EMail Order Bride Cowboys of Chance Creek Volume 1 Cora Seton 9781927036389 Books Reviews
It seems if you've read one Cora Seton book, you've read them all. Very predictable. A previous read had more plot development, but that's not saying much. Impossibly handsome/conflicted man needs wife and impossibly beautiful/conflicted woman appears. Sex follows almost immediately after meeting and then again and again and again. The inevitable problems are formulaic and not at all original. Mediocre communication skills and maturity would eliminate them completely, but then the story would be over. Character development is a literary idea, not the reality in this book. Fortunately I got the book for free, but after realizing it was the same as a previous book I'd read of Seton's I skipped to the last 10 pages and didn't miss a thing. Unless you're looking for mindless, cliched fluff, don't waste your time, or money.
Wow, so many things wrong with this book I don't know where to begin other than warning that there WILL be SPOILERS! First, I know that u have to suspend belief when reading books like this, but sometimes the zing is there from the get go so some of these books I get. This one? No Way, No How. I am absolutely shocked at the amount of 4 and 5 star reviews this book got. I have no problem with the 'deception' on either part bc lets be honest, people lie and deceive each other all the time and there has to be a conflict (usually a deception) to get past. What I didn't get was why he went off the handle the way he did after what he and his friends did to her. I think the author could have used A LOT more humor in this book and made it funny instead of so fricking tragic. His mother ran up debt, ok, the debt is held against the inheritance (ranch), again ok. Sister has some bug up her rear and wants to sell the ranch that will barely cover the debt and she wants to use her share to fund expanding her business. If the debt is so large, how is she going to do that? and why would you risk your relationship with your brother by forcing the issue when there wasn't that much money at stake after the debt was satisfied. It's not as if the kids inherited the debt, it was held against the estate. Not to mention that she (sister) is dead set on selling to his ex- finance? In order to stop his sister from doing this he takes on a partner, takes out a second mortgage and gives his sister 600 thousand dollars...and its all handled by an accountant. Yes, an accountant, not a lawyer, an accountant. hmmmmmmmmmmm. Is he just stupid? She can't sell the ranch without him and he can't sell without her so they should have been at an impasse and where was her portion of the debt that THEIR mother ran up? The debt should have been added up and then taken out of each portion in order to be fair...and then the sister finally pulls her head out of her ...and says, but ur going to be is so much debt. Really? Like she fricking cares about him? She has made it abundantly clear that she has no love, concern, no nothing for her brother simply bc she didn't get along with her mother? What? That was a big point of disappointment for me but the biggest was Lacey. An absolutely horrible character that was horrible to everyone and we are supposed to believe that she behaved that way bc her father beat her and molested her with no lead in, no advancement of the story, just total complete b-word to tragic victim in the space of a paragraph. I'm sorry but if you are going to write this psychobabble then you need to research it more or leave it out. It's been a few years since I received my degree in psychology but even I know that victims of abuse show significant characteristics of someone who has survived that and it isn't just being a b-word. I don't think I have read a book that has made me this angry, at least not in a long time and I don't read this for that reason. From the description of the book I thought it was going to be funny, much like the Marine and the email bride (hilarious) but this, no way. I need to figure out a way to block myself from purchasing this author if for no other reason than to lower my blood pressure.
I knew I would have to suspend belief to a certain extent to read this book, but oh boy, was this bad. Everything happened too quickly and everyone was perfectly willing to deceive and use everybody else for their own selfish reasons. There is not a single likable character in this book. Neither the H nor h had the guts to admit their deception, but got angry and hurt when they found out they were being deceived. The friends are all jerks for going along with it, and the sister is a hateful b*. But hey, everything worked out because they had an inexplicable "chemistry" that made them perfectly willing to jump into bed just hours after meeting even though he planned to send her home in the morning and she was using her body to get a story.
I picked up The Cowboy's E-mail Order Bride as a free read thinking okay it'll be cute, you know, with a name like that it would have to be. But oh my goodness it was so much more than that. Cora Seton has created a world of overcoming hard times, true friendship, growing up, taking control of your own life and true love. What a funny, sweet, sexy, cute, triumphant, hard ride this was. I loved this book and the series so much I actually told a friend to buy it. Each book in the series has been a stand alone read but the characters are so closely knit in their friendship that you get that feeling of continuation that is so popular these days. I wouldn't suggest reading them out of sequence but you can stop at anytime you wish without losing a HEA ending.
I'm not one to give 5 stars to any book unless It is out of this world spectacular but Ms. Seton so impressed me with having clear concise voices for each character, smooth detail descriptions that didn't drag on but were just enough to paint a picture for me to fill in the rest, and an interesting, captivating story line, that was not only sweet, loving but a little raw and a whole lot sexy and quite surprising. Strong women, stronger men, cowboys and city slickers, career women and homemakers and everything in between. There are some grammatical errors but honestly I couldn't say they actually bothered me during the reading for fun part and that is saying a lot for me. I usually hone in on editing errors like a beacon. Very nicely edited and written.
If you are looking for a fun, quick read that has depth and clear characters along with a lot of good humor, interesting story lines and fantastic friendships then pick up a copy of The Cowboy's Email Order Bride and start your journey into the Cowboys of Chance Creek series. I bet you can't put it down and you buy book two soon. Blood may be thicker than water but true friendship is stronger than steel.

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