DoGooder edition by Jessie L Star Literature Fiction eBooks

DoGooder edition by Jessie L Star Literature Fiction eBooks
If you haven't read a Jessie Star book, you're missing out. She excels at writing great chemistry between the romantic leads. Download the free sample to this book and you'll see what I mean. It's there right from the first page. She also has a knack for writing feisty heroines who won't back down. This is a nice change of pace from the usual shy, self-conscious heroines in most romance books. Lara is a bit prickly and stubborn, but I really enjoyed reading her character development. Her shenanigans made me laugh, but there was also a lot of depth to this story. Lara is a flawed character with many layers. If you're looking for another perfect Mary Sue, don't look here. If you like reading about heroines who have both positive and negative personality traits, like say real people, then Lara is your girl. She is never boring, and she eventually goes through some self-reflection. She is certainly a unique female character, because she has a true fear of intimacy.I loved her dynamic with Fletcher. Although he is long-suffering, he never comes across as weak or a wimp. He maintains a strong, sexy presence in the book. My anticipation for them to get together remained intense even after they hooked up. They never lost their sexual chemistry. Such are the mad skills of Jessie Star.
On a final note, I also found the secondary characters interesting and memorable. It was a well-rounded story that included the importance of family and friends. In the end, Lara realized that it was impossible to disconnect from everyone and go it alone. She wanted to be indispensable to other people but not to need anyone herself. She had to accept that she needed someone's help too.

Tags : Do-Gooder - Kindle edition by Jessie L. Star. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Do-Gooder.,ebook,Jessie L. Star,Do-Gooder,Simon & Schuster Australia
DoGooder edition by Jessie L Star Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
This book was so different from most of the books that I've read. The thing that stood out the most for me was that it was written in both first person and third person. The heroines POV is written in first person and alternates chapters with the heroes POV, which was written in third person. I don't ever remember reading a book written this way and I realize that a lot of people won't love it but it worked for me.
Lara and Fletch have a complicated history, one that Fletch doesn't want to forget and one that Lara can't let go of. Three years ago they both had one night where they got everything they desired but afterwards, when everything fell apart, so did they.
Lara spends her free time trying to make up for, what she perceives as, the bad karma she created that night by doing good deeds for anyone who asks. Fletch just wants her to realize that the harder she works at making up for that night, the more attention she brings to it. Can either of them really move on and forget what happened that one night, when really all they both want is more?
This book was a slow-burn, but in the best way, because you could feel the tension between Lara and Fletch but that slow burn was also the reason I found myself annoyed at both characters. It was both frustrating and heartbreaking to watch as Lara based her whole worth on her good deeds. It was equally frustrating that Fletch let himself get so angry with her about her deeds instead of showing her that he understood her need to do them but how she was worth more than what she did for other people. The fact that they couldn't communicate these things to each other in any other way than with contempt made for a lot of back and forth, which also contributed to the tension, which was important to their journey.
Underneath all of the pain and contempt they showed for each other there was deep, pure love waiting to burst to the surface. It was the journey to that burst that made this story so good.
This was my first read from Jessie L. Star but based on how much I enjoyed it, it won't be my last.
My Review
I had no idea what to expect going into this book. I've never read this author, or even heard of her before, but I the publisher contacted me and I liked the sound of the synopsis, so I warily agreed to try it. OMG! You all...this book was so freaking good. I am completely blown away. The story is fantastic and the emotion to the two main characters...the author does an amazing job showing all those little nuances and tells that make a story so deep and so good. Wow. This book was just phenomenal.
Fletch and Lara have known one another for practically their entire life. He was always her brother's best friend. She was always infatuated with him. But they also had their own friendship of sorts...until they took it a step too far...on a night that was filled with mistakes. Ever since then, Lara has been punishing herself by making reparations to anyone she can. Everyone on campus knows that if you need help...Lara is the person to ask. She literally keeps a binder to organize and sort all her "good deeds". But Fletch hates that. Every time one of her good deeds comes up, it just reminds him of that awful, horrible night when everything blew up. And that night was three years ago. Three years of horrible, pent up frustrations. Three years of impossible sexual chemistry. Three years the two of them have spent sniping at one enemies in every possible way. There's a fine line...
Gah. There are two words that can define this book...sexual chemistry. Fletch and Lara have it in spades. But there is so much antagonism and hurt between them, there is no way they can ever go back there again. Everything between them broke that night and there's no way to repair it. The aftermath has been too long and painful.
This is a story filled with angst. I can't tell you how many times I read the scenes with tears flowing down my face, but that makes it so, so good. I loved both Lara and Fletch. It takes a while for the whole story to come out and when it does...and exactly why Lara is so messed up's really just heartbreaking. She is broken, but he is, too. That's why they're so perfect together. I honestly don't think anyone else could understand the depths of what they've gone through other than the two of them.
It was just such a good, good read. And there were some phenomenal supporting characters, too. Overall, there was just nothing bad I can say about this one. I loved it and HIGHLY recommend it.
I received a complimentary copy of this book in return for an honest review, but upon finishing it, immediately bought myself my own copy. I just wish the book was available in print so I could put it on my bookshelf.
The slow release of the events and feelings added depth to the story. An emotional release. An educational seminar into the motivations and complexity of those who love us and our relationships with them. And the devastation to our psyche from tragedy.
If you haven't read a Jessie Star book, you're missing out. She excels at writing great chemistry between the romantic leads. Download the free sample to this book and you'll see what I mean. It's there right from the first page. She also has a knack for writing feisty heroines who won't back down. This is a nice change of pace from the usual shy, self-conscious heroines in most romance books. Lara is a bit prickly and stubborn, but I really enjoyed reading her character development. Her shenanigans made me laugh, but there was also a lot of depth to this story. Lara is a flawed character with many layers. If you're looking for another perfect Mary Sue, don't look here. If you like reading about heroines who have both positive and negative personality traits, like say real people, then Lara is your girl. She is never boring, and she eventually goes through some self-reflection. She is certainly a unique female character, because she has a true fear of intimacy.
I loved her dynamic with Fletcher. Although he is long-suffering, he never comes across as weak or a wimp. He maintains a strong, sexy presence in the book. My anticipation for them to get together remained intense even after they hooked up. They never lost their sexual chemistry. Such are the mad skills of Jessie Star.
On a final note, I also found the secondary characters interesting and memorable. It was a well-rounded story that included the importance of family and friends. In the end, Lara realized that it was impossible to disconnect from everyone and go it alone. She wanted to be indispensable to other people but not to need anyone herself. She had to accept that she needed someone's help too.

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